Monday, March 05, 2007

Lots to catch up on. here we go.....

GREETINGS! Hope who ever reads this is doing well. I must say that it has been a while since i feel like i have blogged. I had a birthday. 30. ewww! Doesn't even sound that nice. 30. oh well. We had a good group together that went out to Hiennie's and then we went to Lucy's Rhythm Room. We had a good time. It is to be said that i got a lot of very helpful gift cards that are to go towards my new snare.
With that being said i then ordered my strainer and butt plate along with wires. i got the Dunnett stariner which was a totally unsupported decision. i had never used one, but after holding it and messing around with it, i am quite impressed. the butt plate got backordered so i will have to wait a bit on that, but i am going to go ahead and paint. the snare wires are going to be an issue, because they are a little more gimmicky than i like now that i have them in my hands. oh well. gotta try goofy stuff every now and then.
okay, whats next. CD shopping! okay, Elizabeth had to work Saturday so i had Layla. we went to Best buy with my $140 in Gift Certificates. I found a killer Curious George DVD to keep Layla happy and in line. she had been on a realy C.G. kick lately. i bought Dave Crowder, which i have heard a million times, always liked it, but never put the money down. i bought Jimi Hendrix, Axis: Bold as love. this is my favorite Hendrix album. Little Wing. what more do you need to say. i bought G. Love and the Speacial Sauce, Lemonade. this guy is just the image of the Cool Cat. easy listen. i feel like this album is going back to his earlier days and that is fine with me. I also bought, you guessed it, a John Mayer CD. the Dual Disc of Heavier Things. good disc. it finishes his major label CD's that i have of his, but the Dual Disc wasted $10 extra that is pretty much rubbish. CD...good. DVD...crappola! i also bought the Eric Clapton Crossroads DVD of guitar legends. good stuff. 2 DVD filled with Clapton, B.B. King, Buddy Guy, John Mayer, Johnny Lang, Doyle Bramhall II and tons more. so over all, 4 CD's and 2 DVD's and i still have $25 bucks left. i think that i will be investing that in some Johnny Lang.
Next, i played at Granger in the Heir Force Room this weekend. That was probably the best weekend out there yet. The sermon was very interesting. i have my domino under my moniter. the kids were going crazy, they were louder than i have ever heard them and every service was just great. We did a new song that was great and it just so happened that they were playing it on the main stage. Jeff and i were able to hear it a handful of times. both versions were great, but i think that our version was more fun to play cause we got to do all the breaks and dynamic changes. still to me the highlight of the services was Ben singing Marley's One Love. it was spot on. you couldn't have improved it one spot. audibly or visually. while Jeff and i were listening back stage, my gear senses started going crazy. i spotted a little Gretsch kit and a Yamaha snare. the kit was one that i had thought about getting for a practice kit. now i am glad i didn't cause i got the Green Giant, but it is still a kit i would like to mess around on.
Next subject matter, i will begin priming my snare today. i brought it to work. you can see from the pic (that i took with my handheld) how i do my painting. while i have a bare wood (Maple) shell, you can make your marking with a pencil and then predrill a hole, but only go 1/2 way through the tape off what you need to on the bearing edge and cover the inner section. now you can paint and not have to woory about corking or paint getting inside the shell. i think that my next shell i an going to do everything in flat black but do polished black hardware. first i need ot finish this one. this will be brass sparkle with chrome hardware including tube lugs.
well, thats all for now. more to come.

1 comment:

aaron dewinter said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see and hear it!